Frequently Ask Question

Looking for answers to your questions about JOB Sider and the services we offer? Check out our frequently asked questions (FAQ) section! Our FAQ page is designed to provide you with helpful information and answers to common queries.

How can I avail of the free assessment?

Thank you for your interest in our free assessment! To avail of our free assessment, you have two options:

  1. Sign up on our website by clicking on the following link:
  2. Go to the "Contact Us" page on our website and fill out the form by visiting

Our team will reach out to you shortly after to provide you with more information about the assessment process and help you get started. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your employment needs!

How can I contact you?

To get in touch with Jobsider, you can reach out to them through various channels. These include:

Feel free to use any of these channels to reach out to Jobsider. Our team will be happy to assist you with any inquiries you may have!

Why should I choose JOBSIDER for my immigration needs?

If you are looking for professional immigration services, Jobsider may be a good choice for you. They have a team of experienced professionals who can provide personalized solutions to your immigration needs, and guide you through the complex immigration laws and regulations. Moreover, they can help you identify the most suitable immigration program based on your qualifications and goals, and provide job placement and relocation support as well. Jobsider is committed to ensuring transparency and reliability in their services, and aims to make the immigration process as smooth and stress-free as possible for their clients.

What are your Professional services fees?

The professional services fees for an immigration consultancy company cover the cost of their expertise and assistance throughout the immigration process. These fees may vary depending on the specific immigration services being provided. During the orientation session, which will be scheduled after choosing the appropriate immigration services, the professional fees and their breakdown will be explained to you. This will ensure that you have a clear understanding of the costs involved and the services that you will receive.

What is the registration process?

The registration process with Jobsider involves the following steps:

  • Submit your updated Europass CV and attend a Zoom Orientation.

  • Review the job posting and determine the necessary information and appropriate recipient to submit your application.

  • If your application catches the attention of Jobsider, you will be scheduled for a first interview with your assigned recruiting officer.

  • Follow-up interviews or professional evaluations may be conducted to advance mutual comprehension.

  • Upon confirmation, you will become a part of Jobsider's accomplished group of candidates.
  • What are the services you offered?

    Jobsider's Immigration Services:
    • Work Permit
    • Jobsider's Work Permit Program is a great way to start a career in a European country and to gain work experience abroad.

    • Student Visa
    • Studying abroad will provide you with the opportunity to broaden your horizons, explore the world, and create lifelong opportunities.

    • Investors Visa
    • The Investors Visa is a program that aims to attract foreign investment to Canada and grants residency to foreign applicants who make qualified investments.

    • Citizenship
    • With this second citizenship, you can enjoy visa-free travel to more than 130 countries, as well as benefit from tax advantages and other benefits.

    Do I get my money back if the visa isn't approved?

    Typically, visa application fees are non-refundable, even if the visa is not approved. This is because the fees cover the cost of processing the application and cannot be refunded. However, if the visa application is denied or canceled due to a mistake or fault of the processing authorities, you may be eligible for a refund or fee waiver. It's best to check with an immigration lawyer or the relevant immigration agency to learn more about their specific refund policies.

    What do I do if my Visa is canceled or denied?

    If your visa is canceled or denied, it's important to understand that there are several factors that may have contributed to the decision. These factors can include your immigration history, the accuracy and completeness of your application, the supporting documents you provided, and the specific circumstances of your case. It's not guaranteed that you will be able to overturn a canceled or denied visa, as each case is unique and evaluated on its own merits. However, you may have options to challenge the decision, such as through an appeal or by providing additional evidence to support your case. The best course of action would be to consult with an experienced immigration attorney who can review your case and provide guidance on the available options. They can advise you on the strengths and weaknesses of your case and help you determine the best approach to take.

    How do I apply for a Canada student visa?

    How to Apply for a Canada Student Visa through an Immigration Consultancy Agency in UAE

    • Choose a reputable immigration consultancy agency that specializes in Canadian student visas and book an appointment.
    • Attend an orientation or consultation session with the agency to discuss your eligibility, the necessary documents, and the application process. During the session, the agency will also explain their professional fees.
    • Prepare the required documents, which may include a valid passport, proof of acceptance to a Canadian educational institution, financial support documents, and English language proficiency test results.
    • Submit your application through the online portal of the Canadian government or through the immigration consultancy agency that you have chosen. The agency will assist you in completing the application forms and ensuring that all required documents are submitted.
    • Pay the necessary fees, including the application fee, biometrics fee, and immigration consultancy agency fees, if applicable.
    • Wait for the visa processing time, which may take several weeks to several months. The agency will keep you updated on the status of your application.
    • Once your visa is approved, you can make travel arrangements to Canada and begin your studies.

    Important: It's essential to choose a reputable and licensed immigration consultancy agency to ensure that you receive reliable and professional assistance throughout the application process.

    How long you have been in the industry?

    JOB Sider has been in the industry since 1997, providing general services, financial, and logistic representation for companies and individuals during challenging commercial times. In 2000, the company expanded its offerings with the establishment of a recruitment company and training center in the Philippines, and has since become heavily involved in multinational manpower supply, sub-contracting, procurement, representation, and trading with offices in key locations across Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and the EU.

    How are you different from others?

    Extensive experience dealing with clients, companies, organizations, candidates, staff, and services
    Deep understanding of demand and supply factors in the business
    Multi-cultural background that enables it to cater to the needs of clients from different cultural backgrounds
    Commitment to providing quality services and representation to its clients
    Industry leader in manpower supply and representation

    Overall, these strengths set JOB Sider apart from other similar companies in the immigration industry and make it a reliable and precise partner for companies and individuals seeking support during challenging commercial times.

    What is your service charge and what is the payment structure?

    As a general rule, JOB Sider charges a service fee for our services, which may vary depending on the type and complexity of the case. We typically require clients to pay a certain amount upfront, with the remaining balance to be paid upon the completion of the services. The payment structure may also vary depending on the specific service being provided. We strive to provide transparent and fair pricing for all our services, and we encourage you to reach out to us directly for more information on our service charges and payment structure. Our team will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.